What’s up weirdos? *Deep breath* It is so hard for me to write this right now. I just want you guys to know, (all 4 of you) that I love you guys so much and I'm so sorry for what I have put you through. I just want you to know that Kylan is the one who posted that last blog post. Apparently, using "her" computer means that she can use it?? Weird, I know. Anyway, now that that is taken care of, let's get into some stories about my friend who we shall call Isaac.
Now since we have Kyndall's new house we are there almost every day. Our construction worker usually brings his two kids (who we are going to call Allie and Isaac here). Now Isaac is your typical 13-year-old boy. The only difference between him and a typical 13-year-old boy is that he is actually funny. Allie is also funny. Most of her funnyness comes from her sass. I’ve met their mom and i’m about 90% sure that’s where she gets her sass from (not an insult, love you OG J-Money) . Anyway, once Allie, Kaisyn, Isaac, and I were all eating pizza and Isaac thought it’d be funny to fake-hit Allie with a slice of pizza. So he swings it at her and the sauce flies off the pizza and hit her right on the shoulder. This accident lead to probably the best sentence I have ever heard
”Who knew pizza could be so saucy?”
I swear, this kid is gonna be the death of me.
Here are some other things he has said/done:
Isaac says that he is going to have a Sit-down comedy show (cause he is too lazy to do stand up apparently) called “Just Playin” Where he talks about his life. I’m so excited
once he ate 2-day-old chicken wings (they had been in their hot car for 2 days straight) because “hunger clouded his judgement”
he once convinced me (when I first met him) that his name was Isaac, he was an opera singer, and that he was a trained carpenter that could actually take nails out of boards (all of which were lies)
he once bought a $25 dollar birdhouse off of amazon so that he could sell it. I ended up caulking it (Because he was a horrendous caulker and my caulking skills are obviously top-notch) He also wanted to pay his other sister (let’s call her Julia) $2 to paint it. So all in all he was just nailing it together then selling it for $40
he once tried to make up a rap about shiplap that went like this:
ship ship ship... shiplap
his rapperwas going to be m&m (not to be confused with Eminem)
He spent all of his money on Halo action figures.... he has never even played halo....... he isn’t even allowed to play halo......
He loves kickball. Like LOVES kickball. Although he got a knee injury once and insisted on being coach and full-time pitcher. Needless to say, the team fell apart
he insists on us calling him chicken-wing Charlie because of the chicken wing incident and has even convinced his PE teacher that his name is Charlie.
his typing name is Freckled13
That’s all I can think of right stay tuned for my next post about Allie cause she is something else my friends. Thanks to Isaac for helping with this post. Goodbye everyone!
Kinley out!