What's up weirdos? So sorry about the late post, my sister Kylan was supposed to type out the blog that I wrote yesterday while I was at Evangeline's house but she was too busy and it didn't get done so today I'll be talking about Thursday's thoughts and Fam and Friends Friday! Let's do this!!
So when my dad was a kid he used to play baseball so when he had kids we all played baseball too. Some of us were better than others *cough me and Coy cough cough* but overall I think we all enjoyed it. When it got to the time where I aged up into kid pitch baseball I was very nervous but excited (it should be noted that I didn't have my glasses at this point). At this point in my baseball career, I hadn't hit the ball AT ALL in about 4 seasons. I practiced a lot and tried super hard but it just wasn't working. My poor coaches tried as hard as they could to help me but nothing worked and there was no improvement. That was until I was on The Phillies team and everything changed.
On this team, there was an assistant coach and I'm pretty sure he was an angel in disguise because this guy (that I can't remember the name of) was the best. He never really did anything to help with me hitting the ball but he never let me give up and he promised me a hot dog from the concession stand if I hit the ball and that was enough to fuel me. Despite free food as motivation I still wasn't making any progress until my wonderful lead coach taught me what bunting was. It was like God was shining down on me that day helping me hit that dang ball cause I was a bunting machine.
Finally, the day of our last game came and I was ready. Let me also clarify that since we played the same few teams in our league so all of the teams knew that I hadn't hit the ball all season. At last, it was my turn to bat. Let me set the scene for you, the last inning, 2 outs, bases are loaded, and pouring down rain (ok so it wasn't raining but it sounds more dramatic that way so we are going to say it was raining). So anyway, with that promised free food on my mind I got up to bunt like there is no tomorrow. I hit it! Both teams erupted in cheers because that was my first hit in almost 5 seasons. I could tell that the other team didn't try very hard to get me out which was greatly appreciated. My 10/10 assistant coach was very proud. We lost the game but that still is one of the best days of my life. I never got that hot dog though *sad face emoji*.
That's all for Thursday's Thoughts folks so let's get on to Fam and Friends Friday!!
Today on Fam and Friends Friday we are going to introduce more of my friends so let's do it! (these are all code names by the way)
Bailey is one of my bookworm friends. She loves Percy Jackson and we love to talk about it together. Bailey is very funny also and has lots of confidence. In her free time, she likes to read, draw, and play with her dog.
2. Tyler
Next is Tyler. Tyler and his sister Elizabeth recently got two new puppies. Tyler is going to name his Kinley Jr. (most likely). Tyler is a great photographer and is also very funny. His hobbies include taking pictures, making food for his puppy, and occasionally drawing.
3. Sophie
Sophie is also one of my bookworm friends. Her code name is even after a book character. Sophie is also a ninja (a blackbelt ninja)/ballerina just like Topanga. She is also super good with kids. Sophie's hobbies are making me cry with posts about book characters dying, drawing (she's pretty good too), and reading an insane amount of books.
4. Jacob
Jacob is the next and last friend I am going to be talking about today. He is the cannoli master. Jacob is very good at baking and likes to make stuff with his handy dandy pocket knife. Jacob also likes to draw whales and loves wearing his Tennessee hat that his brother Jullian hides from him sometimes. Jacob's hobbies include baking, messing with his siblings, and celebrating Christmas all year round with Topanga.
Well, that's all for today folks, there will be an introducing my friends part 3 next week but this post is long enough for today. Thanks for tuning in and have a great day!!!
Kinley Out!
(This post is managed by Quinniess Bitner)
Little league LEGEND!!
Wow, you actually didn't day anything mean. I'd clap for ya but I wouldn't want it going to your head. 😶