What's up weirdos? Today we are going to talk about one of my favorite stories of all time. This story is about none other than Lily herself who has been on my blog more than anyone else I think. So without further ado let's get into this!
So my sister Kandyn had gotten some tickets to a major league baseball game and because I'm somewhat of a pro myself I decided to go see these amateurs play and maybe hand out a few autographs myself. Lily was with us at the time and had decided to wear a dress to the game. After sitting at the tables for a while we went to a grassy area that was on a hill to watch the game and give Lily's little sister Paisley a place to play. I should also mention that it had rained the day before so the grass was a little slippery on the hill. Anyway, we were watching the game and Lily sees a boy standing in the grass watching the game and instantly falls in love with him. I tried to tell her that she might wanna meet him before falling head over heels in love with him but alas, my advice was ignored. She kept going down the hill to talk to him only to chicken out and come back up. Soon enough we start to pack up to leave the game and Kyndall tells Lily that if she wants to talk to the boy now is the time. Lily hears this and starts to sprint down the hill to her true love. The only issue with this was that the ground was slippery and she slipped and slid down the hill. She started to cry on her way up but it was not because it hurt, it was because she was worried that her outfit and makeup was ruined. I don't think I have ever laughed harder in my entire life. Lily fell in love that night (figuratively and literally) and it still remains as one of my favorite moments ever.
That's all for today folks, I hope you enjoyed! Also, I have some devastating news... My school is starting back up soon which means that I won't be able to blog as much. We will probably have to change out posts some days so let me know what days' posts you guys enjoy most in the comments!
Kinley Out
(this post is manged by Quinn Bitner I'm pretty sure)
Also, here is a video of us at the baseball game
This was such a fun night haha! Lily also used kandyn’s sweater to fashion a “diaper” so she could roll down the hill better. I am cracking up right now remembering that baseball game. I don’t even remember who payed or won